Coffee Shop Conversations no.1: "Two Things, Mary"

Location: Starbucks – Salisbury, NC

Order: Toasted White Chocolate Mocha

Date: 1/1/2020

Wow. It is the very first day of a brand-new year, a BRAND-NEW DECADE. It seems like the whole world should feel different; the sky should be a little bluer and our vision a little brighter. It does feel slightly different because we are aware of the big numerical change of the calendar as the earth has made it around the sun one more time. In a lot of ways, though, it feels the same. If a life is lived, truly lived in constant motion, New Year’s really is just another day. Another day to grow. Another day to move forward. Another day for new, exciting, life-changing things. It is a chance to better ourselves for the long haul. What would the world look like if every day was a “New Year’s”? Would more goals be reached and resolutions accomplished? Would more books be read or relationships bettered? Would there be a constant tinge of excitement in the air? I do not wish for New Year’s to no longer be special; I am just suggesting that we put a little more special into the every day. The poet Mary Oliver once said: "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Two things, Mary: Go and Do. ☺

Thanks for reading the very first post of a BRAND-NEW blog series called "Coffee Shop Conversations"! I am so excited for this as I love coffee and wanted to start posting more in 2020. It also will be a fun way to visit more coffee shops and tell you about them ☺ So, Happy New Year and thanks for reading! Hope you'll stay tuned for all the exciting things coming! 
- Brittney N. Crook


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