From May to June

It's been a month.

A month ago today, May 25th, 2018, I graduated from high school.
It's strange to think that I won't be going back to my school in the fall, the same way I have for the last thirteen years. I won't be surrounded by the same people group that I have been for a lot of my life. I'll be moving into a dorm, at a new school, in a new state. Things will be different.

I either read or heard recently the idea that "things won't stay this way forever". Life comes in seasons. We get so caught up in wishing and dreaming and can't-waiting. (And that's not necessarily a bad thing!) But I think we all need to occasionally take a moment, step back, and say, "Okay, this is where I am, right now." And guess what? Maybe, that's exactly where God wants you to be.

It's been a month, and I've already alternated between taking the world by storm and not wanting to go out. I keep 'reminding' God that this next year is probably going to be the most faith-filled of my life (like He doesn't already know). It's all exciting and new and scary and wonderful and unknown. New school, new people, new classes, new state. Will they like me? Will I do well? How will I do this? And what about that?

There is a lot that is unknown, but I am reminded that I am not alone, never alone.

It's been a month....... now here we go.

Look at that! A blog post! Hopefully, my posting won't be so sporadic in the future. There was a lot going on at the end of the school year haha! But if you're reading this, thank you so much for tuning in! I hope you enjoyed, and if you have any advice for the just-graduated, college-bound, young adult leave it in the comments! Thank you sooo much again for being here!  

Until next post☺ - Brittney N. Crook


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