Why Start A Blog?

First off, hello! Welcome to Becoming Brittney Nicole! As this is my very first post on my very first blog, I am so glad that you have decided to check it out!
Now, why even start a blog? Isn't there enough out there on the Internet ranging from style to recipes to pets? What is this blog even about?
Well, I have come up with a few of my own reasons for starting a blog.
  1. I have a story to tell.  It's so easy to look at others, especially on social media, and wish that our lives looked like theirs. Don't get caught up in that. Don't compare your worst days with their best. We each have our own stories to tell. 
  2. I am in an important season of life. I'm almost half-way through my senior year of high school, and I turn 18 next month. These are milestones in my life that I want to share and be able to look back on.
  3. I want my posts to matter.... and sometimes a simple caption is not enough.
  4. It gives me a place to practice writing. Being a writer is something I have considered, but am not entirely sure about. This space gives me a place to practice.
  5. I want to share things with people. Music, books, movies, thoughts, faith, etc.
  6. I believe if one person is encouraged, it's worth it. In a world filled with so much hopelessness and hurt, I want this space to be a light that points to Jesus, the Source of All Hope.
I know, and you should know, this blog will not be perfect. Life is crazy, and I'm not sure how often I'll be posting. But as 1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us, "...do all to the glory of God." So, that's what I'm here to do☺ Thank you for joining the journey! Until next post,
- Brittney N. Crook


  1. How exciting, Brittney!! You/We are going to love it. Can't wait to read your story. You are so right. You are at a wonderful time in your life. So glad you're willing to share it with others.

    1. Thank you so much, Ms. Linda! Thanks for following along!


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