Goals and Good Reads

At the beginning of 2017, I sat down and wrote out a few goals I wanted to accomplish for the year. One of those goals was to finish one book by the end of each month. I had loved reading when I was younger and wanted to get back into it. I'm happy to say that my reading goal was accomplished.... and then some☺ I finished 50 books this year, which is what the original goal of 12 grew into. I thought I would share something I learned from each one.
  1. Girl Defined by Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird taught me what it means to embrace my identity as a female in a biblical and God-honoring way, not like the world tells me to. Kristen and Bethany also have a youtube channel and a blog that you can check out here and here.
  2. If You Find This Letter by Hannah Brencher taught me that it's okay to not have it all together. It showed me that most of us don't, and we should do our best to remember that and be there for one another. "The point isn't to be above any work or grumble over any task; the point is to do the stuff others need of you and trust it will somehow matter." Check out Hannah's blog here !
  3. The Reverend Spy by David P. Denton, a short account of a pastor doing his part in World War II, opened my eyes to what it was like to be a spy on the home front fighting for freedom will also trying to follow God's plan.
  4. God's Not Dead by Rice Broocks helped open my eyes to practical pieces of evidence that support my belief in God from a scientific standpoint. "People today are trying to hang on to the dignity of man, and they do not know how to because they have lost the truth that man is made in the image of God."
  5. A Teen's Guide to the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman taught me how to better understand how to love the people in my life.
  6. The Bachelor Girl's Guide to Murder by Rachel McMillan, a fun twist on a woman 'Sherlock Holmes' set in Canada, taught me to go after the right thing, even when others discourage it.
  7. Peter Pan , the classic tale by J. M. Barrie, though a little stranger than the Disney adaption, reminds me to be imaginative even though I'm closer to being a 'grown-up' than ever before.
  8. The 10-Second Rule by Clare De Graaf showed me easy ways to follow Jesus and help others in everyday life. "To follow Jesus is to make the supreme purpose of our lives to become just like Him."
  9. Anomaly by Krista McGee taught me to search for God, ask questions that lead me to Him, and to not give up in a world that doesn't want Him.
  10. Jesus Is by Judah Smith reminded me that Jesus is literally everything, and all joy comes through Him and what He has done for us. "That's why Jesus came. He told His disciples, 'Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father' (John 14: 9). Jesus came to reveal the Father. He came to show us God. If you want to know what God thinks of you, or what God would say about your sin, or how God would respond if He were face-to-face with you, just look at Jesus, and you'll know."
  11. Luminary by Krista McGee taught me that there is still more to learn.
  12. It's Not About Me  by Max Lucado taught me how truly insignificant I am, and how huge of a privilege it is for God to work through little-ole me.
  13. George Muller by Janet and Geoff Benge taught me what it looks like to pray hard and expect God to supply.
  14. The Captive by Christoph von Schmid was a fun little book that taught me about the courage to stand up for what's right.
  15. Lies Young Women Believe by Nancy Leigh Demoss and Dannah Gresh reminded me that freedom is available from any lie I have ever believed. There's also a LYWB blog here !
  16. The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines taught me to "Go and find what it is that inspires you, go and find what it is that you love, and go do that until it hurts."
  17. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien taught me that adventure is out there and, sometimes, we have to go find it.
  18. Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch taught me that sometimes people are not what you thought... sometimes even yourself.
  19. Holes by Louis Sachar reminded me to stick by my friends... even if you have to run into a desert to find them.
  20. True Love Project by Clayton and Sharie King reminded me that purity is worth fighting for, always.
  21. The Heir by Kiera Cass taught me how to stick with a book series haha.
  22. Fly a Little Higher by Laura Sobiech gave me an insight into a suffering family's hope.
  23. For the Love of God and China showed me what a Victorian missionary's life was like.
  24. Frederick by Frederick Ndabaramiye and Amy Parker opened my eyes to the violence in Africa and how one man overcame it with love for his fellow man.
  25. Starring Me by Krista McGee reminded me how much I loved fiction.
  26. The Crown by Kiera Cass reaffirmed #21
  27. Running with Giants by John C. Maxwell taught me how great people of the Bible led others.
  28. Do Hard Things by Brett and Alex Harris taught me that teens can do amazing things, and not to settle for the 'teen version' of books every time.
  29. Let's All Be Brave officially introduced me to my favorite author, Annie F. Downs (seriously look her up...she's awesome!) and taught me to be brave and go first so others can learn to as well.
  30. Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor taught me that sometimes our greatest lessons are learned in the darkest of times and that God is right there with us.
  31. Guys Are Waffles, Girls Are Spaghetti by Chad Eastham taught me a little of what goes on in a waffle (guy) brain and that it's a good thing that we're different.
  32. Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot taught me how to long for love but long for God more.
  33. The War that Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley taught me that sometimes the least likely people to care actually care the most.
  34. Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper taught me that nothing is worth missing the opportunity to live for Jesus (and that John Piper is a very deep writer).
  35. Stuff Christians Like by Jonathan Acuff taught me to find the humor when I tend to take myself too seriously.
  36. A. D. 30 by Ted Dekker taught me what it was like to be a disgraced Gentile and learn to follow Yeshua opposite from this world.
  37. How to be a Follower by Mike Donehey taught me what is behind the lyrics of Tenth Avenue North's record, Followers.
  38. Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge taught me that God is actually pursuing me. He wants me! And He wants you too!
  39. No Ordinary People by David McLaughlan taught me that even the people in the Bible who didn't do anything spectacular can teach us things too.
  40. Live Original by Sadie Robertson taught me the simple truths of truly 'living original' and being who God made me to be.
  41. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne taught me that sin really ruins lives and hurts more than just us.
  42. Hero of Hacksaw Ridge by Booton Herndon gave me an insight into running into war without a weapon and saving man after man.
  43. Thrive by Casting Crowns lead singer, Mark Hall taught me that there is a way to truly thrive in this life and the share that with others.
  44. Redeemed by Mike Weaver reminded me what it is to live truly redeemed by Christ.
  45. It's All About Obedience by Becky Keep opened my eyes to modern missionary life, and the struggle to obey and thrive in the unknown and unfamiliar.
  46. Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs taught me how to search for the good things and grasp onto them.
  47. The Pastor's Kid by Barnabas Piper opened my eyes to struggles and things that my PK friends face that I may never have thought about otherwise.
  48. The World Jesus Knew by Seth Pollinger taught me of the times, customs, and worldviews of people back when Jesus walked the earth.
  49. Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado taught me to look to Jesus' second coming just as much as the first.
  50. #Struggles by Craig Groeschel taught me to use social media but never let it master me.
   Whew.... well that was my reading year of 2017. What good books did you read this year? Let me know in the comments below! Until next post☺ - Brittney N. Crook


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