Coffee Shop Conversations no. 2: Surrender

Location: Addison Student Center, Hobe Sound Bible College Order: Marble Mocha Date: 1/24/20 Lately, I have been thinking A LOT about the word surrender. Merriam-Webster defines surrender as: "the action of yielding one's person or giving up the possession of something especially into the power of another". Humanity usually does its best to avoid any form of surrender. In a game, we play to win. In a battle, we fight to conquer. In life, we work to be the best. So, it is interesting that in Christ's kingdom, we are called to wave that white flag over our lives. Jesus Himself, before going to the cross to die, prayed, "Not my will, but Thine be done." (Matthew 26:39) This seems upside down. Surrender, in the world's eyes, points to weakness, to giving up. We are giving up. We are giving our time, our efforts, and our desires. Our WHOLE lives. But it is in the giving up of us that we can be full of Him . It is in admitting and real...