From May to June

It's been a month. A month ago today, May 25th, 2018, I graduated from high school. It's strange to think that I won't be going back to my school in the fall, the same way I have for the last thirteen years. I won't be surrounded by the same people group that I have been for a lot of my life. I'll be moving into a dorm, at a new school, in a new state. Things will be different. I either read or heard recently the idea that "things won't stay this way forever". Life comes in seasons. We get so caught up in wishing and dreaming and can't-waiting. (And that's not necessarily a bad thing!) But I think we all need to occasionally take a moment, step back, and say, "Okay, this is where I am, right now ." And guess what? Maybe, that's exactly where God wants you to be. It's been a month, and I've already alternated between taking the world by storm and not wanting to go out. I keep 'reminding' God that thi...