18 Lessons From 18 Years

This past Thursday, I turned 18. The big one-eight. The year when life changes in a lot of ways. I have grown a lot in the last few years, learning things about the world and about myself. I've read and listened and studied. There have been so many people that have shown me how to live a life of purpose and how to honor God in all that I do. From teachers to parents, books to movies, friends to bloggers, to the things from God and the example of Jesus, I have and am still learning so much. So, I know that 18 years are not that many, but I thought I would share some of the lessons that are shaping who I am. You don't have to please everyone. In the recent hit movie, The Greatest Showman , one of the characters tells P. T. Barnum, "You don't need everyone to love you, just a few good people." I think we tend to want to impress everyone and feel like failures when we don't. But we can't please everyone. As Christians, the world may even h...