Coffee Shop Conversations no. 3: On Growing

Location: Dunkin', Hobe Sound, FL Order: Café Con Leche Date: 2/24/20 Do you pick a ‘word of the year’? I sat around a table recently as person after person said theirs. The last person was very confused. If you are that last person, it’s simple. Just pick a word, think and pray about it, then focus on that word all throughout the next year. It has become such a beautiful thing in my life. As I have focused on specific words, the Lord is faithful to cultivate those concepts in my life. In 2018, I chose the word "Hope". This was the year I graduated high school and moved away to college. It was a year of a lot of change and distance from things I had known all my life. I was constantly reminded of that ‘hope and future’ that Christian bookstores love to grace their mugs with. I met some of the most solid friends I could find (a BIG answer to prayer btw!). My life was quite literally filled with so much hope. Flash to 2019. "Grow" was my ...