Dear March...

Dear March 2018, You. Were. A. Blur. I remember going on at the beginning of the month how I wish April would hurry up and get here. Then, BAM! You were gone, and I'm left wondering when time started moving so fast. The new youth center at FCC officially opened, and it's so exciting to have a space all our own. I hope that it becomes a place where God meets us and victories are won. A couple friends and I competed in photography in the NCCSA Fine Arts Competition and didn't do too shabby ☺ I was invited to go to the mountains with a friend and her family over spring break, and it was good to get away for a few days. Make sure you do things that make you feel small. See mountains, sit quietly, just take time to be. March, I'm sorry for wishing you away so quickly. Thank you for the moments anyway. Now on to new things! Hello! It's been awhile haha. Things have been (and will continue to be) busy in my corner of the world, but ...